The Women’s Club

The Women’s Club - by the community, for the community

Once a month, we hold a social event for the women of Arous Elbahar, involving a lecture or workshop at our center. At every meeting, we focus on a specific issue and make sure to provide updated and relevant information about topics that will lead to positive changes in the lives of the women of Arous Elbahar.


The majority of the lectures are given on a volunteer basis by remarkable women, and the women of Arous Elbahar provide refreshments and assist with the event set-up, organization, and clean up afterwards.

The goals of the club


Bring the women of Jaffa from all parts of society together and create meaningful relationships

Community Building

Build a community of women that are socially active, that both give to and gain from their community.


Expose the women to topics that will advance changes in their lives and empower them in terms of: financial security, business, entrepreneurship, physical and mental health, identifying partner violence, power relations, employment, academics and more.

Past Events


In honor of breast cancer awareness month, we held our first event for our women’s club. A woman from Jaffa, who is a single mother to two teenage girls, a career woman, and a cancer patient, came to the event. She spoke about her experiences facing the illness while continuing to advance her career, and her choice to live an active life until her full recovery. 

In addition, a young woman aged 25 shared with us about the complexity of being a daughter responsible for a mother suffering from cancer. She spoke about coping, and the early signs through which it is possible to save lives, and the importance of follow-up after recovery.

To close the event, an expert led a guided imagination workshop to help the women fill themselves with positive energy and to strengthen them.


We held a lecture about business consultancy that was split into two sections.

During the first part, a woman working as a professional business consultant spoke about her business structure, and how to build a work plan in order to successfully establish a profitable and flourishing business. For the second part, business women came to share their success stories and inspire us.

We held an event in honor of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, in collaboration with the Jaffa Well House and Beit Mariam. We had the opportunity to hear a lecture that was also split into two sections. In the first part, the women were exposed to the identification signs of violence in relationships. How can a relationship that looks normative and well from the outside, be a dangerous relationship? How can strong, powerful women with awareness also experience violence? The second section was led by a woman that survived years of violence at the hands of her husband, who was not arrested despite her numerous complaints. One day, he died of natural causes (this was checked by experts and verified by the police), yet she was convicted and spent 15 years in prison! During the lecture, she spoke about her choice to start a new life, her struggle for her freedom despite initially not knowing how to fight for it, her career, and how to avoid getting into such situations.


Women that work as HR experts at Added Value gave a lecture at our ‘Career and Employment’ gathering.

The session included a lecture about how to prepare for a job interview and how to prepare yourself for the job you aspire to. In addition, there was a professional CV preparation workshop, in which each of the women from the Added Value team sat with the participants of the lecture, and together they prepared CVs tailored to the profession they wish to work in, for their dream jobs, and to present themselves in their CVs in the most accurate way.


This meeting was about self-fulfillment in your personal life and your career.

The lecture focused on inhibiting factors, and creating a reality as we imagine for our lives, towards realization and self-fulfillment.