
Joint us!

Arous Elbahar is a nonprofit organization, so one of our largest and most important resources are our dear volunteers!

Thanks to numerous volunteers, we have been able to run workshops and activities at no cost, and we have managed to help many women progress and make meaningful changes in their lives.

In addition to the huge help they provide, volunteers get to earn an empowering experience of giving and assisting, utilizing their skills. Volunteers not only help others, but they also help themselves fulfill their goals, strengthen their skills, and teach others from their rich experience.

We have a wide range of volunteering opportunities, fit for nearly any potential volunteer. In addition, we are always open to new volunteering ideas that we would love to develop with you.

Possible volunteering opportunities

Teaching languages

English and Hebrew, at different levels, with different teaching styles.

Volunteering at our “Second Hand” store

organization, folding, ironing, selling at pop-up shops, repair services and more.


documents, website content, and live translation for the women of the organization.

Running workshops

a range of workshops on different topics in keeping with our organization’s concept, are provided by expert volunteers.

Private tutoring

we have small study groups of women studying for academic degrees that need some help with their studies.


providing legal advice to women in need.

Volunteering at Arous Elbahar led me to self improvement and discovery. I realized that volunteering and helping others gives me energy and positivity. Volunteering allowed me to feel fulfilled and whole with myself. I am very pleased that volunteering at the organization gave me the opportunity to experience being a teacher that is confident in herself and her teaching.
Kamala Mansour
Provided private Hebrew tutoring for women studying for matriculation exams

You can make a change

Join our volunteers and come and be a meaningful part of the changes in the lives of the women of Jaffa! Leave us your contact details and we’ll reach out as soon as possible.